The Cigar Smoking World Championship (also known as CSWC) has been bringing the excitement of competition to the global cigar community for 13 years.
As official timekeeper, Cuervo y Sobrinos is proud to be part of this international event.
The Cigar Smoking World Championship plays host to both male and female contestants from around the globe who share a common love for fine cigars. Participants in the event slowly smoke a cigar, savouring its many qualities. The winner is the last person to finish smoking their competition cigar.
Winston Churchill once said “ Smoking cigars is like falling in love. First you are attracted by its shape; you stay for its flavour and you must remember never, never to let the flame go out”.
This could have been said about the CSWC, a genuine international competition whose goal is to smoke a cigar for the longest period of time.
The final gathering took place over the weekend of September 1-3, 2023. It was a great opportunity to meet old acquaintances and new ones and celebrate the Latin culture and joy of life in style. Born in Havana in 1882, the watches Cuervo y Sobrinos, like the prestigious “Habanos” cigars, evokes thoughts of glamour, luxury life-style and premium quality.
The 2023 CSWC season was well attended, with about 3,000 participants from around the world. The best travelled to Split, Croatia, as every year, for the Grand Finale, where they put their skills in this 13th edition.
During the Grand Finale CSWC 2023 , Split was ‘the place to be’ for all cigar aficionados all over the world.
Hauke Walter the German Champion managed to win the competition for the second time in the history of the CSWC.
A result that was achieved only from him and 2 other champions from Russia
With his natural skills of ‘ keeping cold blood ‘ and ‘situation handling’ Walter reached a fantastic time of 3 hours, 28 minutes and 7 seconds – the best time ever!
Cuervo y Sobrinos has awarded the World Champion Hauke Walter with an iconic Vuelo model “Emilio Carranza” – a pilot watch inspired by the Mexican pioneer aviator that is remember as the “Lindberg of Mexico” because of his historical long distance flights.
The best woman in the competition, Anastasiya Arsenova, with an exceptional time of 3 hours, 1 minute and 26 seconds, was awarded with the brand new Cuervo y Sobrinos Historiador Primera Dama, a symbol of timeless sophistication and elegance.
Cuervo y Sobrinos seizes the occasion to thank the creator of the CSWC and cigar Master Marko Bilic (and his Team) who, with his creativity and excellent organization, always manages to propose high quality events.
The Grand Final of Split closed the 2023 season. Cuervo y Sobrinos, together the other prestigious Partners ST. Dupont, Havana Club and Rocky Patel cigars, is looking forward to carrying on his partnership during the next years.